Patient Advocacy Service Launches Annual Report 2023

Patient Advocacy Service Launches Annual Report 2023

The Patient Advocacy Service has launched its 2023 Annual Report. The Report presents the key activities, statistics, and achievements of the Service and showcases the continuing growth in demand for independent advocacy services in Ireland. The Patient Advocacy Service, commissioned by the Department of Health and delivered by the National Advocacy Service for People with…

Five-Year Anniversary of the Patient Advocacy Service

The Patient Advocacy Service, today celebrates its five-year anniversary, marking an important milestone in its efforts to support patients of acute hospitals and nursing home residents with complaints about their care and following a patient safety incident. The Service has supported over 6,500 patients and nursing home residents since it was established in 2019. The…

Patient Advocacy Service welcomes the commencement of the Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023

The Patient Advocacy Service welcomes the commencement of the Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023. The Act introduces a legal requirement for Open Disclosure following a serious notifiable incident and will ensure that patients and their families are informed of any such incidents and are included in any subsequent investigations. The health…

Patient Advocacy Service welcomes announcement by Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, on the commencement of the Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023

The Patient Advocacy Service welcomes the announcement this week by Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, that the Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023 will be commenced in the coming days. This announcement comes at a fitting time, as we celebrate World Patient Safety Day, a week filled with events highlighting the World…

Launch of NAS & Patient Advocacy Service Casebook 2023

The Patient Advocacy Service has announced the launch of its second annual Casebook. The Casebook provides a comprehensive overview of the crucial work undertaken by both services, highlighting the positive impact of independent advocacy on individuals’ lives and the protection of their human rights. The Casebook, a joint publication by NAS & the Patient Advocacy…

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